

[리뷰] ‘터칭 더 보이드’ 김선호, 동료배우들 위한 ‘배려’ 돋보여

주인공 ‘조’ 역할을 맡아 김선호표 산악인 모습 보여주고 있어
"더 나아지는 배우이자, 더 나은 사람이 되도록 노력하겠다"

  • Editor. 안승희 객원기자
  • 입력 2022.07.28 13:38
  • 수정 2022.07.28 13:38
[사진=연극 '터칭더보이드' 김선호]
김선호. [사진=연극 '터칭더보이드']

배우 김선호는 ‘터칭 더 보이드(Touching the Void)’의 ‘조’이었다. 안정된 호흡과 발성으로 비롯된 연기는 충분히 매력적인 흡입력으로 객석을 장악했다.

초심으로 돌아가는 선택지로 연극을 택한 김선호가 연극 ‘터칭 더 보이드(Touching the Void)’로 복귀 신호탄을 올렸다. 

지난 20일 오후 대학로 아트원시어터 2관에서 ‘터칭 더 보이드’ 프레스콜이 진행됐다.

김선호는 긴 한숨과 떨리는 음색으로 “간담을 시작하기 전에 인사를 먼저 드리는 것이 도리인 것 같아서 나왔다. 긴장이 될 것 같다”라고 말문을 여는 김선호. 연극무대가 복귀의 수단이 아닌 진정성 있게 참여한 진심을 내비쳤다. 몇 초간의 긴 호흡이 김선호가 그동안 사생활 논란으로 인해 자숙하며 지낸 시간을 대변해 주고 있었다. 

눈물을 흘리며 울컥하는 감정선으로 김선호는 말을 이어갔다. “송구스럽고 죄송하다. 별 얘기는 아니고 먼저 연극 관계자 분들께 송구스럽고 죄송하다. 올해 봄부터 여름까지 많은 분들이 노력하면서 이 연극을 만들었는데, 제가 누가 되는 거 같아 팀에 죄송하다"면서 "좋지 않은 소식으로 많은 분들께 심려를 끼쳐드려 진심으로 죄송하다. 그간 시간을 돌이켜보면서 제 부족한 점에 많이 반성했다"고 말했다. 

이어 "나의 부족한 부분을 반성했다. 점점 더 나아지는 배우이자 더 나은 사람이 되도록 노력하고 발전하겠다"고 덧붙였다.

김선호. [사진=연극 '터칭더보이드']
김선호. [사진=연극 '터칭더보이드']

연극 ‘터칭 더 보이드’는 극단 ‘연극열전9’이 세 번째로 선보이는 작품이다. '눈보라가 치는 거대한 설산, 냉혹한 대자연에 갇힌 공포, 그 공포를 이겨낸 생의 투지'를 담은 연극은 1985년 페루 안데스 산맥 시울라 그란데의 빙벽을 등정하다 고립당한, 조 심슨(joe Simpson)과 사이먼 예이츠(Simon Yates)의 생존실화를 바탕으로 만든 작품이다.

김선호는 ‘터칭 더 보이드’에서 배우 신성민, 이휘종과 함께 트리플 캐스팅으로 주인공 ‘조’ 역할을 맡아 김선호표 산악인의 모습을 보여주고 있다.

실제 ‘조’의 캐릭터 연구를 위해 등반 관련 다큐멘터리를 보고 산악인들과 이야기를 나누는 등 공부를 했다는 김선호는 "캐릭터와 현실의 산악인들과는 다른 감정의 지점이 있었다. 그들은 등반 중 떨어졌을 때 살고 싶다기보다 자신들에게 너무 화가 났다고 한다“며 ”산악인들은 순수하게 산을 좋아하고, 그런 순수함을 ‘조’에게서 극대화 시키려고 노력했다"고 한다.

복귀 작품으로 ‘터칭 더 보이드’를 선택한 이유에 대해 김선호는 “일단 작품이 좋았다. 오래 전에 출연 제안을 받았다. 신성민 배우를 통해 다시한번 대본을 읽어봤다. 좋은 동료랑 함께 작품을 만들 수 있어 선택했다”고 작품에 대한 애정을 드러냈다.
이에 신성민 배우는 김선호에게 작품을 추천한 이유는 “전작에 같이 출연한 것이 계기가 됐다”고 말문을 열었다. “이미 대본을 제안 받은 상태였다. 극중 ‘조‘의 역할과 김선호 배우가 어울리는 것 같아 대본을 한번 더 읽어보는게 어떻겠냐고 권했다"고 덧붙였다.

사실 김선호의 연기의 원동력은 연극에서 비롯된다. 대중들에게 얼굴을 알려지기 전에 2012년 ‘셜록’을 시작으로 ‘뉴보잉보잉’ ‘7년 동안 하지 못한 말’ 2015년 ‘연애의 목적’ ‘트루웨스트’ ‘옥탑방 고양이’ 거미여인의 키스‘ 2016년 ’트루웨스트 리턴즈‘ ’클로저’ ‘보이스 오브 밀레니엄’을 비롯해 방송데뷔 이후에도 2019년 ‘Memori in dream’ ‘얼음’ 등으로 꾸준히 연극 무대에 올랐다.

연극무대의 오래된 내공은 ‘터칭 더 보이드’에서 더욱 빛이 났다.

[사진=연극 '터칭더보이드' ]
[사진=연극 '터칭더보이드' ]

김선호에게 연극이란 무엇일까라는 궁금증에 “연극은 관객을 직접 만나는 것이 방송과는 다르다. 관객에게 느끼는 에너지도 많다. 관객과 같이 공감하고 관객들이 받는 에너지를 배우들도 느낀다”면서 “연극은 라이브가 주는 생동감과 희열이 있다. 굉장히 기분 좋은 일이다. 내가 말하는 것과 전달하고 싶은 부분이 관객에게 그대로 느껴진다는 건 정말 배우에게 특별한 일이다”라고 관객과 함께 호흡하는 면을 강조했다.

이어 “연기에 대한 본질적인 부분은 같지만 테크니컬적인 것에서 드라마와 차이가 있다. 라이브는 카메라 편집이 없기에 움직임을 정확히 생각하고 대사를 해야 한다”고 말했다.

또한 ‘터칭 더 보이드’ 작품 준비 기간 동안 기억에 남는 순간으로 다른 배우들과 호흡을 맞추며 연습하던 순간을 뽑았다.

“산이라는 배경 때문에 무대가 경사면으로 만들어졌다. 연습실에 세트를 들여 놓을 수가 없어서 바닥에 엎드려서 연습을 했다. 배우들과 엎드려서 여러 아이디어를 내는 과정이 즐겁고 행복했다”며 “전문산악인 선생님과 공부를 하는 시간이 매우 소중했다”고 한다.

극중 조(김선호)는 크레바스 아래로 떨어져 튀어나온 절벽 덕분에 기적적으로 살아남아 누나 새라의 환영을 본다. “살 수 있는 방법을 생각해라”라는 새라의 끊임없는 채찍질에도 결국 지쳐가는 조. 모든 것을 포기하려는 순간에 새라는 “일어나”라고 소리친다.

 “산이 거기 있으니 산을 가듯, 생명이 거기 있으니 포기하지 않고 살아가야 한다.”는 새라의 말에 마지막 힘을 내는 조. 

이는 김선호가 드라마 ‘갯마을 차차차’ 종영 후 사생활 논란으로 인해 겪은 일과 심리적으로 겹쳐보일 수 있었다. 그러나 김선호는 “배우로서 개인적인 일과 겹쳐 보이지 않게 연기를 하고 싶었다. 내가 전하고 싶은 메시지 전달에만 집중을 했다. 나의 감정과 캐릭터의 감정에 거리를 두고 연기했다”면서 “연구하고 공부 할수록 역할과 나의 이야기는 조금 다르다는 생각이 들었다"라고 연기자로서 본연의 모습에 집중했음을 내비췄다.

마지막으로 가장 기억에 남는 대사로 "산에 왜 오르냐가 아니라, 왜 오르지 않냐고 물어야지“라는 대사를 언급했다. 이어 ”사람들이 이 대사에서 삶을 바라보는 관점이 다를 수 있겠다는 생각을 하게 됐다. ‘왜 오르냐가 아니라 왜 오르지 않냐’는 말에 따라서 인생과 가치관도 다르게 해석할 수 있을 것 같았다. 이런 메시지를 관객들에게 전하고 싶었다“고 이야기 하는 김선호. 

김선호는 산이 거기 있기에 오르듯, 그의 인생에 연기가 있기에 배우로서 ‘연기’라는 등반을 계속할 것이다.

한편 산악조난 상황을 몰입형 음향 기술과 무대세트로 관객들의 오감과 상상력을 자극하고 있는 ‘터칭 더 보이드’ 공연은 지난 8일 개막해 오는 9월 18일까지 대학로 아트원씨어터에서 만날 수 있다. 배우 김선호, 신성민, 손지윤, 이휘종, 이진희, 오정택, 정환, 조훈, 정지우가 출연한다.


Actor Kim Seon-ho was ‘Jun’ in ‘Touching the Void’. The smoke from stable breathing and vocalization dominated the audience with enough attractive suction power.

Kim Seon-ho, who chose theater as an option to return to his original intentions, signaled a comeback with the play ‘Touching the Void’.

On the afternoon of the 20th, a press call for ‘Touching the Void’ was held at Art One Theater 2 in Daehangno.

With a long sigh and a trembling tone, Kim Seon-ho said, "I came out because it seemed to me that it was the right thing to say hello before starting a chat. I think it will be tense,” Kim Seon-ho opens the door. The theater stage is not a means of return, but the sincerity of participating in it. The long breath of a few seconds represented the time that Kim Seon-ho spent in self-discipline due to the controversy over his private life.

Kim Seon-ho continued his words with tears and emotional lines. “I am sorry and sorry. It's not a big deal, but first of all, I'm sorry and apologetic to the people involved in the play. A lot of people worked hard to make this play from spring to summer this year, and I'm sorry to the team for who I think I am. Looking back on my time, I reflected a lot on my shortcomings.”

He added, "I reflected on my shortcomings. I will work hard to become a better actor and a better person."

The play 'Touching the Boyd' is the third work of the theater company 'Theatre yeoljeon 9'. The play is about 'a huge snowy mountain hit by a blizzard, the fear of being trapped in the harsh nature, and the fighting spirit of life overcoming that fear' is a play about Joe Simpson and Simon, who were isolated while climbing the ice wall of Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes in 1985. It is based on the true life story of Simon Yates.

Kim Seon-ho takes on the role of ‘Jo’ in a triple cast with actors Shin Sung-min and Lee Hwi-jong in ‘Touching the Boyd’, showing the appearance of a climber Kim Seon-ho.

Kim Seon-ho, who studied by watching a climbing documentary and talking with mountain climbers to study the character of 'Joe', said, "There was a point of emotion that was different from the character and real mountain climbers. He said that he was very angry. “The mountaineers genuinely like mountains, and I tried to maximize that innocence in ‘Jo’.”

Regarding the reason for choosing ‘Touching the Boyd’ as a comeback work, Kim Seon-ho said, “First of all, I liked the work. I received an offer to appear a long time ago. I read the script again through actor Shin Sung-min. I chose it because I could make a work with a good colleague.”
Actor Shin Sung-min said that the reason for recommending the work to Kim Seon-ho was, "It was an opportunity to appear together in the previous work." “I had already been offered a script. I thought that the role of 'Jo' in the play and actor Kim Seon-ho seemed to fit well, so I suggested that I read the script one more time."

In fact, the driving force behind Kim Seon-ho's acting comes from the play. Before being known to the public, starting with 'Sherlock' in 2012, 'New Boying Boeing', 'Things I haven't said in 7 years', 'The Purpose of Love' in 2015, 'True Quest', 'Rooftop Cat', 'The Spider Woman's Kiss' 2016 After debuting on TV, including 'True West Returns', 'Closer' and 'Voice of Millennium' in 2019, he continued to perform on stage with 'Memori in dream' and 'Ice' in 2019.

The long-standing performance of the theatrical stage shone even more in ‘Touching the Void’.

In response to the question of what a play is for Kim Seon-ho, he said, "A play is different from a broadcast in that you meet the audience directly. There is also a lot of energy that the audience feels. They sympathize with the audience, and the actors feel the energy they receive,” he said. It's very pleasant. It is really special for an actor to feel what I say and what I want to convey to the audience.”

He continued, “The essential parts of acting are the same, but technically, there is a difference from the drama. In live, there is no camera editing, so you have to think about the movements accurately and do the dialogue.”

In addition, during the preparation period for ‘Touching the Boy’, we picked the moments when we practiced together with other actors as memorable moments.

“Because of the background of the mountain, the stage was made with a slope. He couldn't bring the set into the practice room, so he practiced on the floor. It was fun and happy to lay face down with the actors and come up with various ideas,” he said.

In the play, Jo (Kim Seon-ho) miraculously survives thanks to a cliff protruding from the bottom of the crevasses and sees the vision of his sister Sara. Joe eventually gets tired of Sara's constant whip, "Think of a way to live." At the moment he is about to give up everything, Sara shouts “Wake up”.

 Jo gives the last strength to Sara's words, "As there is a mountain there, you go to the mountain, life is there, so you have to live without giving up."

This could be seen as a psychological overlap with what Kim Seon-ho experienced due to the controversy over his private life after the end of the drama ‘Gae Village Cha Cha Cha’. However, Kim Seon-ho said, "As an actor, I wanted to act in a way that overlapped with my personal work. I just focused on delivering the message I wanted to convey. I acted at a distance from my emotions and the emotions of the character.” He said, “The more I researched and studied, the more I felt that the role and my story were a little different.”

Lastly, as the most memorable line, he mentioned the line, "You should ask why you don't climb the mountain, not why you climb it." Then, "I came to think that people might have a different perspective on life through this line. Kim Seon-ho said, "I wanted to convey this kind of message to the audience, depending on the words 'why not, not why?' life and values ​​could be interpreted differently."

As Kim Seon-ho climbs a mountain because there is a mountain there, and because there is acting in his life, he will continue to climb the ‘acting’ as an actor.

Meanwhile, 'Touching the Boyd' performance, which stimulates the audience's five senses and imagination with immersive sound technology and stage set in a mountain distress situation, opened on the 8th and can be seen at the Daehangno Art One Theater until September 18th. Starring Kim Seon-ho, Shin Sung-min, Kim Seon-ho, Lee Hwi-jong, Lee Jin-hee, Oh Jung-taek, Jung Hwan, Jo Hoon, and Jung Ji-woo.

[Review] 'Touching the Boyd' Kim Seon-ho, 'consideration' for fellow actors stands out

Taking on the role of the main character 'Jo', Kim Seon-ho shows the mountaineer, "I will try to become a better actor and a better person."

[Photo=Kim Seon-ho of the play 'Touching the Void']
Kim Seon-ho. [Photo=Play 'Touching the Void']

Actor Kim Seon-ho was 'Jun' in 'Touching the Void'. The smoke from stable breathing and vocalization dominated the audience with enough attractive suction power.

Kim Seon-ho, who chose theater as an option to return to the beginning, signaled a comeback with the play 'Touching the Void'.

On the afternoon of the 20th, a press call for 'Touching the Void' was held at Art One Theater 2 in Daehangno.

With a long sigh and a trembling tone, Kim Seon-ho said, "I came out because it seemed to me that it was the right thing to say hello before starting a chat. I think it will be tense,” Kim Seon-ho opens the door. The theater stage is not a means of return, but the sincerity of participating in it. The long breath of a few seconds represented the time that Kim Seon-ho spent in self-discipline due to the controversy over his private life.

Kim Seon-ho continued his speech with tears and emotional lines. “I am sorry and sorry. It's not a big deal, but first of all, I'm sorry and apologetic to the people involved in the play. A lot of people worked hard to make this play from spring to summer this year, and I'm sorry to the team for who I think I am. Looking back on my time, I reflected a lot on my shortcomings.”

He added, "I reflected on my shortcomings. I will work hard to become a better actor and a better person."

Kim Seon-ho. [Photo=Play 'Touching the Void']
Kim Seon-ho. [Photo=Play 'Touching the Void']

The play 'Touching the Boyd' is the third work presented by the theater troupe 'Theatre yeoljeon 9'. The play is about 'a huge snowy mountain hit by a blizzard, the fear of being trapped in the harsh nature, and the fighting spirit of life overcoming that fear' is a play about Joe Simpson and Simon, who were isolated while climbing the ice wall of Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes in 1985. It is based on the true life story of Simon Yates.

In 'Touching the Void', Kim Seon-ho takes on the role of the main character 'Jo' in a triple cast with actors Shin Sung-min and Lee Hwi-jong, showing the figure of a climber Kim Seon-ho.

Kim Seon-ho, who studied by watching a climbing documentary and talking with mountain climbers to study the character of 'Joe', said, "There was a point of emotion that was different from the character and real mountain climbers. He said that he was very angry. “The mountaineers genuinely like mountains, and I tried to maximize that innocence in ‘Jo’.”

Regarding the reason for choosing 'Touching the Boyd' as a comeback work, Kim Seon-ho said, "First of all, I liked the work. I received an offer to appear a long time ago. I read the script again through actor Shin Sung-min. I chose it because I could make a work with a good colleague.”
Actor Shin Sung-min said that the reason for recommending the work to Kim Seon-ho was, "It was an opportunity to appear together in the previous work." “I had already been offered a script. I thought that the role of 'Jo' in the play and actor Kim Seon-ho seemed to fit well, so I suggested that I read the script one more time."

In fact, the driving force behind Kim Seon-ho's acting comes from the play. Before being known to the public, starting with 'Sherlock' in 2012, 'New Boying Boeing', 'Things I haven't said in 7 years', 'The Purpose of Love' in 2015, 'True Quest', 'Rooftop Cat', 'The Spider Woman's Kiss' 2016 After debuting on TV, including 'True West Returns', 'Closer' and 'Voice of Millennium' in 2019, he continued to perform on stage with 'Memori in dream' and 'Ice' in 2019.

The old performance of the theatrical stage shined even more in 'Touching the Void'.

[Photo=Play 'Touching the Void']
[Photo=Play 'Touching the Void']

In response to the question of what a play is for Kim Seon-ho, he said, "A play is different from a broadcast in that you meet the audience directly. There is also a lot of energy that the audience feels. They sympathize with the audience, and the actors feel the energy they receive,” he said. It's very pleasant. It is really special for an actor to feel what I say and what I want to convey to the audience.”

He continued, “The essential parts of acting are the same, but technically, there is a difference from the drama. In live, there is no camera editing, so you have to think about the movements accurately and do the dialogue.”

In addition, during the preparation period for 'Touching the Boyd', we picked the moments when we practiced together with other actors as memorable moments.

“Because of the background of the mountain, the stage was made with a slope. I couldn't put the set in the practice room, so I practiced on the floor. It was fun and happy to lay face down with the actors and come up with various ideas,” he said.

In the play, Jo (Kim Seon-ho) miraculously survives thanks to a cliff protruding from the bottom of the crevasses and sees the vision of her older sister Sara. Joe eventually gets tired of Sara's constant whip, "Think of a way to live." Just as she's about to give up everything, Sara shouts, "Get up."

Jo gives the last strength to Sara's words, "As there is a mountain there, you go to the mountain, life is there, so you have to live without giving up."

This could be seen as a psychological overlap with what Kim Seon-ho experienced due to the controversy over his personal life after the end of the drama 'Gae Village Cha Cha Cha'. However, Kim Seon-ho said, "As an actor, I wanted to act in a way that overlapped with my personal work. I just focused on delivering the message I wanted to convey. I acted at a distance from my emotions and the emotions of the character.” He said, “The more I researched and studied, the more I felt that the role and my story were a little different.”

Lastly, as the most memorable line, he mentioned the line, "You should ask why you don't climb the mountain, not why you climb it." Then, "I came to think that people might have a different perspective on life through this line. Kim Seon-ho said, "I wanted to convey this kind of message to the audience, depending on the words 'why not, not why?' life and values ​​could be interpreted differently."

Kim Seon-ho will continue to climb the 'acting' as an actor because there is acting in his life, just as a mountain climbs because there is a mountain there.

Meanwhile, 'Touching the Boyd' performance, which stimulates the five senses and imagination of the audience with immersive sound technology and stage set in a mountain distress situation, opened on the 8th and can be seen at the Daehangno Art One Theater until September 18th. Starring Kim Seon-ho, Shin Sung-min, Kim Seon-ho, Lee Hwi-jong, Lee Jin-hee, Oh Jung-taek, Jung Hwan, Jo Hoon, and Jung Ji-woo.


Actor Kim Seon-ho was 'Jun' in 'Touching the Void'. The smoke from stable breathing and vocalization dominated the audience with enough attractive suction power.

Kim Seon-ho, who chose theater as an option to return to his original intentions, signaled a comeback with the play 'Touching the Void'.

On the afternoon of the 20th, a press call for 'Touching the Void' was held at Art One Theater 2 in Daehangno.

With a long sigh and a trembling tone, Kim Seon-ho said, "I came out because it seemed to me that it was the right thing to say hello before starting a chat. I think it will be tense,” Kim Seon-ho The theater stage is not a means of return, but the sincerity of participating in it. The long breath of a few seconds represented the time that Kim Seon-ho spent in self-discipline due to the controversy over his private life .

Kim Seon-ho continued his words with tears and emotional lines. “I am sorry and sorry. It's not a big deal, but first of all, I'm sorry and apologetic to the people involved in the play. A lot of people worked hard to make this play from spring to summer this year, and I'm sorry to the team for who I think I am. Looking back on my time, I reflected a lot on my shortcomings.”

He added, "I reflected on my shortcomings. I will work hard to become a better actor and a better person."

The play 'Touching the Boyd' is the third work of the theater company 'Theatre yeoljeon 9'. The play is about 'a huge snowy mountain hit by a blizzard, the fear of being trapped in the harsh nature, and the fighting spirit of life overcoming that fear' is a play about Joe Simpson and Simon, who were isolated while climbing the ice wall of Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes in 1985. It is based on the true life story of Simon Yates.

Kim Seon-ho takes on the role of 'Jo' in a triple cast with actors Shin Sung-min and Lee Hwi-jong in 'Touching the Boyd', showing the appearance of a climber Kim Seon-ho.

Kim Seon-ho, who studied by watching a climbing documentary and talking with mountain climbers to study the character of 'Joe', said, "There was a point of emotion that was different from the character and real mountain climbers. He said that he “The mountaineers genuinely like mountains, and I tried to maximize that innocence in 'Jo'.”

Regarding the reason for choosing 'Touching the Boyd' as a comeback work, Kim Seon-ho said, “First of all, I liked the work. I received an offer to appear a long time ago. I read the script again through actor Shin Sung-min. I chose it because I could make a work with a good colleague.”
Actor Shin Sung-min said that the reason for recommending the work to Kim Seon-ho was, "It was an opportunity to appear together in the previous work." “I had already been offered a script. I thought that the role of 'Jo' in the play and actor Kim Seon-ho seemed to fit well, so I suggested that I read the script one more time."

In fact, the driving force behind Kim Seon-ho's acting comes from the play. Before being known to the public, starting with 'Sherlock' in 2012, 'New Boying Boeing', 'Things I haven't said in 7 years', 'The Purpose of Love' in 2015, 'True Quest', 'Rooftop Cat ', 'The Spider Woman's Kiss' 2016 After debuting on TV, including 'True West Returns', 'Closer' and 'Voice of Millennium' in 2019, he continued to perform on stage with 'Memori in dream' and 'Ice' in 2019.

The long-standing performance of the theatrical stage shone even more in 'Touching the Void'.

In response to the question of what a play is for Kim Seon-ho, he said, "A play is different from a broadcast in that you meet the audience directly. There is also a lot of energy that the audience feels. They sympathize with the audience, and the actors feel the energy they receive,” he said. It's very pleasant. It is really special for an actor to feel what I say and what I want to convey to the audience.”

He continued, “The essential parts of acting are the same, but technically, there is a difference from the drama. In live, there is no camera editing, so you have to think about the movements accurately and do the dialogue.”

In addition, during the preparation period for 'Touching the Boy', we picked the moments when we practiced together with other actors as memorable moments.

“Because of the background of the mountain, the stage was made with a slope. He couldn't bring the set into the practice room, so he practiced on the floor. It was fun and happy to lay face down with the actors and come up with various ideas,” he said.

In the play, Jo (Kim Seon-ho) miraculously survives thanks to a cliff protruding from the bottom of the crevasses and sees the vision of his sister Sara. Joe eventually gets tired of Sara's constant whip, "Think of a way to live." At the moment he is about to give up everything, Sara shouts “Wake up”.

Jo gives the last strength to Sara's words, "As there is a mountain there, you go to the mountain, life is there, so you have to live without giving up."

This could be seen as a psychological overlap with what Kim Seon-ho experienced due to the controversy over his private life after the end of the drama 'Gae Village Cha Cha Cha'. However, Kim Seon-ho said, "As an actor, I wanted to act in a way that overlapped with my personal work. I just focused on delivering the message I wanted to convey. I acted at a distance from my emotions and the emotions of the character.” He said, “The more I researched and studied, the more I felt that the role and my story were a little different.”

Lastly, as the most memorable line, he mentioned the line, "You should ask why you don't climb the mountain, not why you climb it." Then, "I came to think that people might have a different perspective on life through this line. Kim Seon-ho said, "I wanted to convey this kind of message to the audience, depending on the words 'why not, not why? ' life and values ​​​​could be interpreted differently."

As Kim Seon-ho climbs a mountain because there is a mountain there, and because there is acting in his life, he will continue to climb the 'acting' as an actor.

Meanwhile, 'Touching the Boyd' performance, which stimulates the audience's five senses and imagination with immersive sound technology and stage set in a mountain distress situation, opened on the 8th and can be seen at the Daehangno Art One Theater until September 18th. Starring Kim Seon-ho, Shin Sung-min, Kim Seon-ho, Lee Hwi-jong, Lee Jin-hee, Oh Jung-taek, Jung Hwan, Jo Hoon, and Jung Ji-woo.

저작권자 © K-Beauty (케이뷰티) 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
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